Cooper continues to love smart start! He exerts so much energy and completely enjoys his time playing. I hope I can find another activity for him when this one is over.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Sponge curlers!
Who ever thought my daughter would need to curl her hair??? Lol!
I forgot to get an after pic but Chloe wants to do it again so they'll be more to come :-)
Rc truck!
I got out some cups and suggested Cooper set them up and drive around them. He quickly said "or I can build a tower and run them over!" Lol!
Monday, January 29, 2018
Sunday play dates!
Austin and Kendra came over for an afternoon play date on Sunday! A little different because Chloe had the day off from cheer and Jason was working :-)
Frame project!
Saturday morning I took the kids to the Michael's craft. Chloe made a unicorn frame and Cooper made mustache man! So cute and fun :-) then a fun afternoon of having the Fallons over and going to the park, it was unreasonably warm!
Friday family fun night!
Finally had a family fun night in our new house! We tested out the new popcorn popper and these adorable popcorn bags :-) fun and relaxing for everyone!
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Divide and conquer!
Tuesday night Jason takes and picks up Chloe to tumbling. And I take Cooper to smart start. He's continuing to have a blast and being with kids his own age, I'm realizing what an awesome athlete he is!
This program is put on by high school students as their confirmation project. The two pics capture how some hs kids entertain themselves, lol!
It's coming time to return the Traverse to papa Smith, thank you so much letting us drive it this past year!!!
In need of another vehicle we decided on this minivan! Black, spacious, entertainment system, perfection!!!
Perfect Games!
Thanks to our friends and family for joining us in a fun night celebrating Jason's birthday! We enjoyed pizza, drinks, bowling, arcade haves and the kids (and sometimes birthday boy) play structure!!! I also got high score for our lane with 135 but Steve got overall high score with 149! We had such a fun night!!!
Ice skating fun turned into a trip to urgent care!
Poor Chloe fell the last minute of ice skating and split her lip open. After being at urgent care for three hours we left with stiches and a broken heart:(
Chloe has been saving her money. She used it to pay for half of her iPod and used her Amazon gift card for the unicorn pop socket! Love her responsibility and watching her have fun connecting with friends :-)
School fundraiser fun run!
Thank you so much to all of our family for donating to the kids fundraiser this year! We appreciate it so much! Cooper ran .6 of a mile in ...
Jason finally got his shed! Buck built it in two half days in this crazy winter weather. I was so impressed and Jason is so happy :-) ...